View Profile JarlingtonJohlahyde

11 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses

I keep returning to this game lol, it's extraordinarily creative, and the music is fantastic!

Pretty fun and neat idea, but I feel like it feels a bit tedious to wait the whole 10 seconds whenever you want to attack, especially since you have to restart from the beginning when you die. Maybe if the countdown was shorter or faster the battles would feel a bit less slow.

Great controls and a very fun concept!

It looks pretty good, but after a while the spaceships stop coming, and when I move left or right, the ship moves straight to the right side and left side of the screen.

FS2020 responds:

releasing a playable version for mobile device that works best ! ! ! 🛰️
it works really good on tablet and smart phones👩‍🚀
it is not recommended for long or excessive playing 🚀

also going to make a version that supports joystick to run on most gamepads and entertainment consoles, smart TVs 🌌

I will look into that. beware for co-vid virus that spawns on the left side of the screen🛰️
it should be infinite respawn.. if you stop shooting at the co-vid it is consider a cheat since the point is to target the co-vid, the game will just runs for long time with no more enemies covid coming. //enjoy the song and trip ☄️

their are few projects :)🛰️

its to bring awareness to the dangers of covid in a clicker shooter game 🔫

Neat idea! The aesthetics are nice, and it controls well, it just seems like it could have been explored a bit more.

The pixel art is very nice! The finished product seems like it has a lot of potential!

PhuongPHAM responds:

Sorry, It's just Demo.
Click on the place under "ChickChick" to get in game. Control left for shooting, buddy!
Thank you for your attention!

Although it's tough, the only thing I can really blame for failing is myself. Everything is intuitive and easy to get the hang of, but can be difficult to master. Quite a great game!

There is a glitch where if you right click, you can click to the end of a stage.

Very sweet game so far! I managed to beat every level, and they all offered a good challenge. The controls were alright, but they felt a little too slippery. If the character didn't slide as much, it may feel more comfortable to control. Fun game overall!

Age 22

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